
work I made after and during artschool at the de hogeschool voor de kunsten amsterdam
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  5   gouaches and oil
Ceilingpainting -Amsterdam 1994
geleende herinnering 1 1994
(Private collection, Nederland)
geleende herinnering 2 1994
(Artist's collection)
(Oil on canvas, 100cm x120) 1993

(Oil on canvas, 100cm x120)

As a child I had a sort of sectret writing.
I re-styled the signs over the years, but some are still the childish-forms. I still use the secret writing in some paintings. In these paintings I write about things that occupie me. As a graphical designer I work with text too, these texts in my paintings are personal notes.


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        © Jolie - MMWEbHL 1996
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